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Record, Sign and View your Agreements/Contracts



Record Your Agreement

Create a record of your agreement/contract on the blockchain.


Second Party Sign Agreement

The second party confirms and signs the agreement.


View Your Agreements

View the details of your agreement records on the blockchain.

conclude an agreement


  Initiate Agreement Process :
 Person #1

You (person #1) begin process of concluding an agreement by putting a record on the blockchain.
Note: 0.05 ether fee to create a record, in addition to gas.


Step #4: You have two options to input a copy your agreement:



Step #5: Submit to the blockchain after you have completed steps #1, 2, 3, and 4.

Check to see if your transaction is complete.
Once your transaction is complete, click the below button for the details that were sent to the blockchain.

Once you have confirmed your transaction is on the blockchain, contact the other party to your agreement and have them complete the below section.

conclude an agreement
conclude an agreement


  Approve the Agreement :
 Person #2

The other party (person #2) in the agreement completes this section by approving ("signing") the agreement.
Note: 0.05 ether fee, in addition to gas.

Step #1: Provide a copy of the agreement.

Comfirm that your copy of the agreement is the same as provided by the other party in the above section.

Important: Your agreement must be EXACTLY the same as the other party's agreement. For example, a missing or extra space, or an extra, missing, or different word, will result in a different validation hash being generated and thus the two agreements are different ... and thus will be rejected.

Also, your Ethereum account ADDRESS must match the address provided by the other party to the agreement.

You have two options to input a copy your agreement:



Step #2: Confirm that this agreement is on the blockchain and that you are the other party (person #2) authorized to approve this agreement.


Step #3: Approve the agreement by submiting to the blockchain.

Check to see if your transaction is complete.
Once your transaction is complete, click the below button for the details that were sent to the blockchain.

conclude an agreement
conclude an agreement


  View Your Record(s)

View your digital record(s) currently on the blockchain for the agreement(s) you have submitted and/or approved.

Important: Make sure you access the Ethereum network with the same account you used to submit or approve the agreement(s).

Your record details displayed are: title; description; date created by person #1, date approved by person #2, and the status of your record.

conclude an agreement